Scottish Construction Covid-19 Update


Scotland’s construction sector can now restart work

The First Minister announced today, “From Monday 22 June, the construction sector will be able to move to the next phase its restart plan and then move through the remaining phases subject to ongoing consultation with government.” This allowing progress from Phase 2 to Phase 3 of the restart plan on Monday with Covid-19 Site Operating Procedures in place.

The industry-agreed six-step phased model for the return of the construction sector is:

  • Phase 0: Planning
  • Phase 1: COVID-19 Pre-start Site prep
  • Phase 2: ‘Soft start’ to site works (only where physical distancing can be maintained)
  • Phase 3: Steady state operation (only where physical distancing can be maintained)
  • Phase 4: Steady state operation (where physical distancing can be maintained and/or with PPE use)
  • Phase 5: Increasing density/productivity with experience

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